On the transfer of knowledge and my experiences through YouTube

Yu hang (Sam) Luo
2 min readOct 27, 2020

When I was in my first year of undergraduate studies, there were a lot of things that I needed to learn. Although the university was teaching us about the concept and ideology to design, there was little to no focus on teaching us the tool to achieve our designs (namely the ins and outs of different software to make our projects come to life). So a lot of the learning had to come from online sources and classmates. Now, with consulting classmates on a quick question you have in Illustrator being impossible, most people turn to google and YouTube as sources to look for the answer to their questions.

During the beginning of quarantine when I was told that my lifeguarding job would be discontinued (due to the closing of all public pools), I was at home, collecting the government relief cheque with nothing much else going on. So I thought it’d be a good idea to start a YouTube channel to start teaching teaching students who might have to spend the next semester online some of the basic skills that they’ll need in terms of software. So I bought a brand new microphone and got to it. I produced many of the videos that I thought would certainly help me through my first year in a design degree and was quite vigorous at producing these videos before school started. Whenever I had time, I would start recording a video and edit it shortly afterwards. In fact, I’ve learned so many new video editing techniques (also through YouTube) that people can clearly see the quality of my video going up over time.

I’ve honestly enjoyed the experience so much. The moment I log onto the account and see a notification of somebody commenting “thank you so much, this helped a ton” gives me so happy that I was able to help somebody out and gives pride to what I do; and is one of the main reasons why I continue to upload despite this online semester kicking my ass. I just wanted to write the post to pay homage to the people that taught me how to use most of the software that are used in school/in the industry today because I can understand how much more school would’ve been more difficult without them!

To end off, I’d like to shamelessly plug myself at LYH Tutorials on YouTube or simply access my channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGC8xwPqAAso4wRXkq1wPGA.

