A personal design manifesto

I think manifestos are important in framing the morality of how you approach and complete tasks in life. When I wrote a similar manifesto for my visual arts undergraduate course, I understood it as setting rules and goals for yourself so that you never stray from what you think is meaningful. With that said, I’ll write a quick manifesto here as to what I believe to be most important to me.

  1. Be impactful; anything that is proposed or designed for the real world needs to have a positive impact on the targeted audience.
  2. Be inclusive with the design.
  3. Recognize tradeoff, you can’t please everybody but do what you think is better for the situation.
  4. Purposefully and intentionally expand your web of people.
  5. Think of the holistic picture; how this will affect other systems in different scales.
  6. Always strive for ways to do things more efficiently.
  7. Look for ways to compromise rather than start a conflict.
  8. Personal health is always first.
  9. Aim to be at least 1% better than you were yesterday.
  10. Pass on/communicate your knowledge with others.

